It might be blue Monday for some but just think GREEN!!! Get those wings flying, book on to some training and let Freedom Tri help you chase the January blues away...
Mon 20th - 6.30am Turbo Training
Tues 21st - 7pm Running Club with John. Campus 5, Letchworth
Wed 22nd - 6.30pm & 7.30pm Strength Training. (Spaces still available for 6.30pm session but book on the waiting list as usually space becomes available on the day.)
Fri 24th - 7pm, 7.45pm & 8.30pm - Coached Swim Sessions.
Sat 25th - 7.30am - 5km Handicap run, Grange Pavilion, Letchworth.
Go Freedom!!
You wanted it and you got it!
Strength and Conditioning is back for another 6 weeks starting Wednesday 22nd January 2025. Two sessions available 6.30pm and 7.30pm with Laurence King Fitness. Book on now!
As the ice melts along with our short lived New Years Resolutions, it's time to get focused and get training with a purpose!!
Plan / Book a race! We have our fabulous list of Champions League 2025 events (see under Members section). Put the club events in your diaries and plan a race. Use the club discount for ATW races. (N.B. Don't book HSV YET!! We will try to get extra discount.)
Train with other people! Freedom Tri put on club training sessions every week. Book on and join in!! Training this week:
Mon 13th - 6.30am Turbo
Tues 14th - 7pm Running Club
Fri 17th - 7pm, 7.45pm & 8.30pm Coached Swim Sessions
Sat 18th - 7.30am - Early morning Run Club
We'll be looking to start up the S&C sessions again in the next week or so, so keep an eye out for this!!
The Champions League events list can also be found on the Website under Members section and we'll post out the latest results too. Go get some points!!
The Freedom Tri Club Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 27th January 2025 at The Orange Tree Pub, Baldock. Arrive from 7pm for a prompt 7.30pm start.
The AGM is an imperative point in the year for Freedom Tri, allowing the committee to report on how the club is doing and to discuss the finances, membership, constitution and also any other issues raised by you, the members.
The Committee team will also stand down allowing you the chance to stand and be elected for a committee position. Our current positions are: Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Social Secretary, Membership Secretary and Welfare Officer.
Whereas most of the committee are happy to continue (if elected) in their current positions, the position of Chairperson will be available as I am stepping down from this role. If this is a position you are interested in, please don't hesitate to get in touch to discuss or to send in a nomination.
Please support the club and come along to the AGM as we do need a minimum of 20 members to constitute a quorum. (Please book onto the event so that we know numbers.)
It will be great to see you there and if there are any areas of the club you would like adding to the Agenda for discussion, please send these to
Good luck to everyone taking part in TriFitX this evening at Luton. Looking forward to cheering you on!!
For all those others 'chomping at the bit' when it comes to training, have no fear, Freedom training is here!!
Monday 6th - 6.30am - Early Turbo!
Tues 7th - 7pm - Running Club, Campus 5 with Laura.
Fri 10th - 7pm, 7.45pm and 8.30pm - Coached Swimming, St Christophers School.
Sat 11th - 7.30am - Saturday Run Session, The Grange Pavilion
Have a great start to the year Freedom!!
Hope everyone has had a fabulous Christmas and now looking forward to the New Year!
As everybody knows, there is no better hangover cure or better way to start 2025 than with a refreshing New Years Day Dip!!
8am Wed 1st January - This will be a sociable dip to start the year followed by a sausage roll and a catch up with your Freedom Friends. Please read all the usual info and make sure you book.
6.30pm & 7.30pm Wed 1st January - The last of our six week S&C sessions. Lets have a full house so get booked on now!
9am Sat 4th January - FSOTM - 5km run, Norton Common.
6pm Sat 4th January - ATW TriFitX Luton. There's a few Freedom signed up for this swim/bike/run/row experience! (Me and my dodgy knee are aiming to be there to cheer you on!!)
Normal Freedom Training then resumes Monday 6th January with Turbo at 6.30am, running club Tues 7th, St Chris Swimming Fri 10th, Sat running club 11th, etc. Details will updated on the booking system this week.
The Champions League events list will also be posted out over the next week and we can confirm that our ATW race discount code continues throughout 2025 - ATWFREED_10
Big shout out and huge thank you to our amazing team of Freedom Tri coaches…
Kieran Feetham, John Phillips, Smith J Lolly, Martin Hawke, Sparky Whittle, Paul Shillcock, John Harris, John Dyke, Louisa Suff, Gareth Charles, Anne Kwok and Andrew Jones.
They’ve kept us fit, strong and motivated throughout 2024 and Freedom Tri couldn’t be without them
Now on a well deserved break. Main Freedom training resumes Monday 6th January 2025! (There will be the last S&C training on Wednesday 1st Jan - see calendar for bookings.)
Happy Christmas xx
Step into Christmas, Step into Christmas...
The last weekly update before the big day and still lots for you to do and balance out the Quality Street consumption with! Well done to all Superstars who took part in the XC yesterday and the early morning turbo trainers at 6.30am today! The rest of the week looks like this so get booking...
Mon 16th - 6.30am Zoom Turbo Training.
Tues 17th - 7pm Xmas jumper lights run. Meet at Broadway Fountain, Letchworth. A relaxed, festive run to see a few lights finishing in the Pub (Broadway) for a well deserved drink.
Wed 17th - 6.30pm and 7.30pm Strength and Conditioning Training. 6.30pm is currently full but 7.30pm still spaces. Both sessions now open to Associate members this week so that hopefully we can get a full house. Look out on the day as there are usually some last minute cancellations.
Sat 21st - 7.30am. Run Session. Perfect that running form. The Grange Pavilion, Letchworth.
Sat 21st - 9am - NHRR Santa Canta festive 5km run around Norton Common. Santa hats and Freedom Wings needed!
Mon 23rd - 6.30am Zoom Turbo Training.
Wed 25th - CHRISTMAS!!!!!!
Dates for Diary - Bookings will open after Christmas:
1st Jan - 8am New Years Day Chilly Dip!
1st Jan - Last of the Strength and Conditioning Sessions.
Running Club restarts - Tuesday 7th Jan.
St Chris Swimming restarts - Fri 10th Jan.
Have some Freedom fun you lovely lot!!!
Woo hoo! We're on the countdown to Christmas! Stay strong Freedom and keep booking those sessions...
Last Coached Swimming for 2024 this Friday night. You'll miss it in the holidays so get booked on now.
Final Cross Country race for this year at Stevenage Fairlands 10.30am this Sunday 15th. Nice and local.
6.30pm and 7.30pm Strength and Conditioning Sessions are now open for booking next Wednesday 18th December.
The Santa Canta NHRR 5km Run is now on Saturday 21st at 9am. Would be great to see a few Freedom wings and Santa Hats!
Don't stop now!!
As many of you will know, I will be stepping down as Chairman of Freedom Tri in January. I have been a part of this amazing club for over 12 years and love it to bits! It has been a privilege and a pleasure being Chairman since the beginning of 2020. I know it is the right time to hand over the reins to someone new and I'm looking forward to welcoming a new Chairman at the AGM being held at the end of January 2025. Nominations for Chairman or any other officer of the club should be sent to the Secretary prior to the AGM. Election will take place at the AGM. If anyone would like to have a chat about the position, please don't hesitate to message me. (if you do not have access to facebook messages, please email me