Sunday saw the autumn installment of Nice Tri's Autodome Duathlon. This unique race includes the excitement of a mass start, and the thrill of racing around the smooth, fast tarmac of Bedford Autodrome motor racing track, with plenty of vantage points where friends and family can view your performance and cheer you on! Designed from scratch by former F1 driver Jonathan Palmer. Freedom newbie Katie Harbon (from NHRR) showed everyone how it was done in the standard event (10km run/39km bike/5km run) with an outstanding first place time of 2:11:09! Other Freedomites took on the speedier sprint event (5km run/20km bike/2.5km). First for the club Mickey Day came 58th in 1:02:00 followed by Lee Gilchrist 117th in 1:06:37 with GB athlete Richard Pitcairn completing the event 189th in 1:25:02.