Racing & Training W/C 6/5/24

06/05/2024 09:42 | Jane Britten (Administrator)

Happy Bank Holiday Monday Freedom! What a great weekend we've had with members racing and training - Triathlons, Running, Aquathlons, course 'recceing'... you lot are amazing 

Looks to be a sunny week ahead so lets get training - book on now:

Tues 7th - 7pm Running Club - Manor Wood Car Park, Willian.

Fri 10th - 7pm, 7.45pm & 8.30pm Coached Swimming. St Christopher School. (Only three more Fridays to go so make the most of them.)

Open Water Swims - Wed 6.30 & 7.30am, Fri 6.30am & Sat 7.30am.

Sun 12th - 6.30am HSV Sprint Triathlon. Still time to book on!

After the race we will be meeting at Smallford Farm Cafe (just along from Hatfield Sports Village) for breakfast. From those who said they'd like to go, I've allowed for about 20 of us and had a chat with Emma from the cafe and as long as we are there early when it opens from 9am they are able to accommodate us and looking forward to seeing us all:

Have a great week Freedom Tri!

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