Trisports - Puncture repair / bike maintenance Workshops

10/02/2023 12:05 | Jane Britten (Administrator)

TriSports - Puncture repair / bike maintenance Workshops.

Trisports have offered us 2 workshops to help you with your puncture repair & bike maintenance. The dates are Saturday 18th and 25th February (10-12noon). Places are limited (8 members per Saturday.)

You'll take your bike and they'll show you how to take off your wheel, tyre, repair puncture, put back on, etc plus some general bike maintenance. If you don't know, they'll explain what group-set you have, etc. Bikes must be in a 'clean' condition! They'll be special offers on the day on Muc-Off packages, puncture repair kit packages and reductions on services booked.

You must book a place and I plan to open these up on events for booking first thing Saturday morning (11th Feb) so check your calendars.

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